Monday, November 21, 2005

what a day. sometimes i think my parents have hearing difficulties..

what a day. im sick. flu. donno who passed it to me though.. but.. oh well. guess monkey flu's a first time. :D

Sometimes i think my parents need new ears. See, the flu came to me ytd. in the morning. i survived thru church and then thru no-honey's house. no-honey's my sec three eng cher. then finally made it home safe and sound.
met my parents at home. told them i had flu. went to rest. an hour later, i feel this hand on my forehead (it aint emily rose, dont worry.. did i mention i watch emily rose a few days ago? no? i didn't? ookie.. now you know) i peeked out.. and see my dad in front of me. he notices my slits-like eyes openings and asks rather loudly 'Boy. Got fever ah?'

I went like 'no la.. flu' and then turn over to get his warm hand off my forehead. next thing i know i hear my mum coming in and she goes 'Boy, go take panadol'. Here is where it gets a trifle confusing. too chim for my mind to understand so I replied 'flu take panadol one meh?' And to my astonishment/horror/frustration/oh-no-ness my mum says 'flu? i thought u got fever?'


i did nothing else except do a ke-blakang and go back to sleep. with no parents to mis-hear my sickness and to disturb me.