Sunday, June 12, 2005

my first entry... yipee!

haha. it's so hard to believe.. i just jumped onto the band wagon.. writing my own blog.. but.. the thing is.. the purpose of this blog is not really to write my thoughts and stuff.. but more of to link to my friends blogs so that it would be easier for me to access their blog and get updated about their lives. Which does make me wonder about the purpose of a blog. Nobody really writes 'dear diary...' in their blog do they? yet, much privacy, a blog has not.

Some people say a blog is for you to express your feelings. But that's absurd. What will you type if you're attached and in love?

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Ain't that what lovey-dovey people would write? Cause it's what they're feeling. ma.

Anyway, back to the point, what is a blog? really? it helps you make friends, that i agree. but it also creates a false impression of the blogger ya know. A person who constantly types perfect (actually, is there such a thing as perfect?) english on his/her blog may be a wonderful speaker of singlish.

For me, i think.. my blog.. would just be crap. more crap. and even more crap. After all, comments about other people might get me under fire and yet, I can't just have an empty blog cause that defeats the purpose of a blog. But, whatever. Hopefully, I can figure out how this link thingy works.