Sunday, May 23, 2010


I need to get a new blogskin up. This current one is awful. But I just don't have the necessary inspiration. Yet.

And. Suddenly I'm wondering am I putting in too much.
Spending so much on you all.
This temporary feeling of insecurity.

Will I be a constant in your life or a distant memory
Someone trustable or fun perceivably

I've lost my muse. I miss having a muse.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

pace of time

I removed my wisdom tooth today.
Massive, of mammoth proportions
so my dentist said.
The biggest he's seen so far.
Now does anyone know whether
tooth fairies pay out by
weight or by size?

And as I lie on my bed pondering such
redundant and wisdom-less queries,
another train of thought comes to mind.

I cannot download a speed recovery software
Or reformat a teeth OS
or do a teeth cleanup
or take pills to speed up the recovery
of my gums and the demise of a tooth.

In this age of technology and speed,
where fast food chains are just around the corner
where speed is essential,
be it business productivity
or fiber optic networks
or sending out tweets immediately

There are certain stuffs that can only
follow the pace of time
death of a loved one
breaking of the heart
mastering agility
increasing knowledge
recovering after an operation
and the list goes on.

There are and always will be stuffs that require us
to slow down and wait for time to catch up with us
to let us stop and smell the roses
to pause by the park and take a breather
or a refreshing swim in the lake
as seagulls fly by
or ducks lazily waddle past.

And so time imposes upon us
every now and then
that we can't control everything in life
there will always be circumstances
or events that are beyond our reach
and we can only kowtow and pay our respects
to the pace of time.

Saturday, May 08, 2010


A blade of grass being blown by the wind.
Tossed and turned by forces unseen,
It swirls and curls its wisps green.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Fact is stranger than fiction sometimes

Post of facts.

Fact 1) The dude I did guard duty with two nights ago was currently pursuing a degree in environmental engineering.

Fact 2) Me and a friend were chatting on our plans to open a blog shop.

Fact 3) We then proceeded to chat about social enterprises and charities using hard-selling to attract donors.

Fact 4) A girl came by the table to get donations by selling coupons.

Fact 5) She was going to open her blog shop.

Fact 6) She studied environmental engineering.

What are the odds of that.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

musical stairs

I saw on the news recently a clip of a stairs that had a musical improvement. Each step became a key of a keyboard - the music kind, not computer kind - and it supposedly encouraged people to use the stairs, exercise, and make music at the same time.

Of course, this means their definition of music is a chromatic scale. And nothing more. After all, how can you create a chord by yourself when you only have two feet. Or maybe we could ask strangers to help us ask music. (Hey mister, can you just jump on that C note for me. I want to hear a chord.)

It's a rather novel idea of course, and its idea is to be encouraged and taken notice of, (the idea btw is to exercise more and if you use the escalator, stand on the left. I think), but not very practical.

Can you imagine the stairs of Raffles Place being turned into a keyboard? During morning or evening rush hour, the sheer volume and dis-chords will make phantom of the opera sound like a sonata.

So we should just scrap the idea, seriously. Why not adapt the idea to something more practical, like placing such 'musical stairs' in concert halls or theatres. It would definitely make tuning much easier. Just tap on the step, or throw a tuba or a drum stick at the step, and the whole band can tune.

Like all things, there is a drawback however. If your band or performer takes a long time to tune, you probably need to buy a box of drum sticks, or hire a tap dancer.

But wouldn't such an idea make more sense? And if you really want people to exercise? Just render the escalator immobile, or shut it down.

Then people lan lan must walk. :)

Saturday, May 01, 2010

I spy with my little eye someone

It can be rather amusing playing with kids.
You play 'I spy with my little eye'
and say 'I spy something wearing green'
And the kid retorts back 'I'm not a thing'.