Thursday, January 31, 2008


ah, scriptwriting.

The words avoid me.
Writer's block, you ask?
Nay, how can it be, with so many thoughts and mental visuals swimming in my mind?

Oh, to write a fictional story, with the absence of dialogue, how burden-less it sounds.

Yet, the rushes of time passes me not, as much as I bid it pass me by, but not too soon I pray.

Why should I wait, it cried.
I have never paused for men.
Neither have I sped up.
What makes ye so different,
that I should wait up?

Oh, but I have lines to write, and a script to compose
The person in my mind speakeths, but the words I do not hear
His lips tremble and murmur, but I discern no sound.

Please wait, I implore thee.
Allow me just this one chance.

But the door of time slams shut in my face
as it goes on its journey
at its own pace
and I am left alone

Sunday, January 20, 2008


With every note that screams out Dick Lee, and a huge box of slapstick jokes, the BEAUTY of cabaret girls meets the WORLD of a girl's search for her father.

Surely, you can read the blatantly obvious hints?

The last time I heard of the musical was when it aired on President's Star Charity a couple of years ago. And the tune stayed in my head, so much that if you ever uttered the two words to me, I would end it with a 'cha cha cha'.

The storyline is rather simple to understand.

Girl is born and left by parent.
Parent leave her jade pendant.
Girl grow up.
Girl follows words on jade pendant, and ends up at Beauty World.
Thinks her father is there, so she 'blends' in and becomes one of the cabaret girls.
Makes top girl there jealous.
Conflict occurs.
Top girl is girl's mother.
The End.

Okay, so there are a few subplots missing from there, like Frankie who is Ivy's boyfriend from Batu Bah-heart, and Ivy's pen-pal who thinks herself high class, and cabaret girls low class, and Ah Hock who falls for Ivy, and.... need I go on?

To be honest, it feels like an extended episode of PCK. You will laugh a lot, but you won't remember what you laughed at once the musical is over.

Purchase a ticket if you're interested. However, the humor would only appease you temporarily so don't say you dunch know.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


BLESSED 2008, to one and all, and all and one.

One hour, and I've done quite a bit =X

First time I ran from Tampines to Pasir Ris. and that's how I started the year.


Well, not really starting the year, cause I went for Watchnight service, but after that I decided not to take public transport home, and ran/walked home instead. Walked to Sunplaza Park before running alongside the highway. Bet the drivers think I'm nuts. But no honks or anything so I guess they're into the festive mood.

Then I reached home, and decided to shower with hot water. Now I usually shower with warm water. But cause I felt so sweaty and all, the hot water didn't soothe me much, so I switched off my heater. And got blasted awake.

Honest. Now I know why I don't bathe in cold water. But maybe I should do it once a month or so, to keep a good habit.

Well, the countdown was a little interesting, I guess. To be with family but not family. Not as interesting as a year or two ago, where I cross-stitched for a year. Really. 11.45pm to 12.05am. Now That was interesting.

People would ask 'So how did you count down?'
And I would say 'Oh, I cross-stitched.'
Then there would be silence for a second or two, before they gave a hearty chuckle and walk away.

Ah 2008. Blessings to all and one, and one and all =)