Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Sometimes I wonder... if you paid your bills on time, you wouldn't be demanding for extension of due dates and being confused about your outstanding amounts and insisting we're at fault.

Like srsly.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the battlefield

Fast and furious, the arrows fly.
Set aflame by anger and irritation,
They ride the winds of rage.
No matter the distance,
No matter their size,
Their sharp steel-pointed tips
Pierce through the thickest shields.

We scurry for cover, digging
Holes to hide, seeking
Refuge and sanctuary, believin
We are doing the right thing.

Some stand and fight and get
Struck down.
Some courageously surge forward
And flee in terror.

Some leave to fight another day.
And a few remain.
Banding together to deter the
Ferocious crowd approaching
With lust for revenge
Their eyes glint with malice
Their heels pummel the ground
With anger.

Every time we take one down,
Ten more rise behind him.

And just as the herd of dementors
Draws near
The sun sets and darkness falls.
And we take a merciful rest for the night.
Where fighting takes a stop
And we count the trickle of survivors
And bury the dead and fallen.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, November 04, 2010

The scandalous east

Looks like the east is notorious for evil eh?

If you categorize and segregate singapore into north, south, and west, I dare say east has the most prolific scandals.

North is more of a suicide area, with people choosing to die under trains. East, on the other hand, is more criminal minds-ish. Like the downtown slayings. And jack neo. And i think the dude was teo ser luck last time. Remember the man that hired a schoolkid to slash his wife. Or girlfriend. I can't quite remember the details. She was an insurance agent, i think.
And the body found in bedok reservoir park too.

Of course not all such stuff happens in the east, or you would see a mediacorp office outstationed in the east. Like i believe the jealous girlfriend/wife that stomped on her boyfriend/husband's car and trashed the windshield with a hammer.

I wonder if property agents need to heed this kind of sordid details before selling houses.
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