Sunday, November 18, 2012

Add Up

If you are a seasoned traveler, one thing that might nag you at the back of your mind is the numerous small change you tend to collect at the end of each trip. Now, if you visit that particular country very regularly, then it is okay, because there will always be opportunities to use up those loose change. What if you don't visit them frequently? You will just be left with a bunch of coins that are of no value to you.

Meet your solution.

The Add Up is a foreign currency exchange box. You simply drop in your foreign coins, and receive a credit to your phone account or Skype account. The box will automatically convert your coins for you, to your domestic currency.

Another important aspect to this idea would be the contribution to society. Every exchange will definitely result in a decimal amount being rounded off. This seemingly minuscule amount will be donated to a charity of your choice. I say seemingly, because it would be small if thought of as an individual contribution. However, it will increase exponentially, once you consider the global number of travelers easily hits over two billion.

More info here.

He ponders and wonders

His right hand inches for the edge of the rock jutting out. Like many other edges, they provide him a platform to hold on and reach skyward. There are times where he holds on comfortably, safe and assured. Other times, it's difficult. Even a small pebble dislodged from the top is a threat to his existence as it plummets earth-bound. Every time his eyes follow it, they end up focusing on the darkness below.

That which rumbles underneath.
That which just might blow anytime.
That which shrieks and bellows at night.
That which whispers his name as the moon shines bright above.

Arrows of smoke,
Daggers of lightning,
Thrashes of thunder.
A sandstorm.

Blankets of

Who wants to hold on to a burning rope?
In all common sense, one would let it fall.
Yet, once it falls, how would one know
if it is still burning?

My heart aches.
But, no time to ponder.
One has to wander.
Night is coming, and before that,
There is much to be done.
Even till I am on my knees.
Others before me.


Have you ever wondered how colorful sound is? Yet, it sounds strangely puzzling, that something associated with hearing is to be described in something associated with sight.

You just might solve that puzzle now.

water dancing speaker

These water dancing speakers connected to your computer or media player via USB, and contains 4 colorful LEDs each. Aimed skyward, the colors changed at random, and the height of the pulse or spray is determined by the volume and pitch of the sound.

They are completed sealed so there is no risk of spillage, or the need to refill water. Personally, I wouldn't feel very safe placing them at weird angles, (like on their sides for example), though that might make the water pulses rather interesting to watch.

You can get them at 40 pounds for a pair here.

I am so getting them on my next payday. They look damn awesome!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hiccup be gone!

Don't you just hate it when you get the hiccups! You try and try to stop it, from holding your breath, to taking seven sips of water, to getting your friend to scare you. Sometimes, it works. Other times, you're just left on your own kiddo.

Now, something promising looms on the horizon - Hicural Hiccup Relief.

Hiccup Stick

Now, stopping hiccups is as easy as drinking water.  It is basically an extended white toothpick, with a hole in the middle. Stick it between your teeth, and down a glass of water. Apparently, biting on it will tense up the muscles in your throat and stop the spasms in your diaphragm causing your hiccups to be reduced to none.

Available at USD $7.99 here.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Don't try. Feel.

When an archer is shooting for nothing, he has all his skill. 
If he shoots for a brass buckle, he is already nervous. 
If he shoots for a prize of gold, he goes blind or sees two targets — 
He is out of his mind! 
His skill has not changed. But the prize divides him. 
He cares. He thinks more of winning than of shooting– 
And the need to win drains him of power.

Chuang Tzu

Life drags us down sometimes, by making us try. Since young, we have been inculcated with the (good?) habits of trying. No matter what we cannot do, we are inspired and encouraged by peers and family to just try. After all, 'if you fail, you will just land among the stars' is all too familiar for some of us. 

But, not everything in life can be written. If it were, life would be but a fairy tale (pun intended). There will always be situations or environments where one has to try to un-try. 

To stand at ease.
A reed flaying in the wind. 
Hear the heart throb within the body. 
Feel the veins flourish with ease. 
As the brain tunes itself.
And settles down to a slower
relaxed tempo. 

Go with your heart, no matter what.
You can't make no mistakes in life.
Yet, no matter what, do not regret. 
Some decisions, if reversed, could result in different endings.
How would you know those endings unless you try?

An analysis of your being.
And a leap forward. 
Diving or soaring.
Don't try to foresee your future. 
Take a step of faith, and put a foot out.
What might happen?

Oh, and break a leg for me, will ya? 

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Old Friend

Old friend
why do you not appear,
I hear your laughter in the airy lofts
past the cobwebs strewn through time.

I run after you,
but where are you hiding?
The shadow cast by a candle
A reed flailing in the wind.

Old friend
come out and play.
Why stay within the box around
Just join me and stay.

Let's walk together
through the bridge of colors
and towards the horizon yonder.

Old friend,
Two companions we make.
So much of life to explore
and appreciate
and unwind
and indulge.

So much to be shared within two.
What say you?