Friday, November 16, 2012

Hiccup be gone!

Don't you just hate it when you get the hiccups! You try and try to stop it, from holding your breath, to taking seven sips of water, to getting your friend to scare you. Sometimes, it works. Other times, you're just left on your own kiddo.

Now, something promising looms on the horizon - Hicural Hiccup Relief.

Hiccup Stick

Now, stopping hiccups is as easy as drinking water.  It is basically an extended white toothpick, with a hole in the middle. Stick it between your teeth, and down a glass of water. Apparently, biting on it will tense up the muscles in your throat and stop the spasms in your diaphragm causing your hiccups to be reduced to none.

Available at USD $7.99 here.