Friday, March 29, 2013

Thermo-Sensitive Business Cards

Most business cards tend to be simple and copied. It lacks authenticity and uniqueness. Now, what if each business card you have is different from the rest?

What if it was thermo-sensitive? This meant you could put your thumb print on it, or use heat to craft your name etc.

 Thermo Sensitive Business Cards

Thermo Sensitive Business Cards0

Cool eh! Unfortunately, you have to pay quite a fair bit for them. $985 for a thousand cards.

More info here.


T2T. Nope, not a dual version of TNT. It's something that is more of a uhm tongue-twister.

Tongue Toothbrush

The Tongue to Teeth toothbrush is targetted towards busy people. By busy, I mean those who don't have three minutes to spare to go to the washroom and brush their teeth. Designed to be disposable, you just slip it on their tongue, and lick your teeth.

I'm not really sure how your tongue can reach the crevices between your teeth. But, I suppose if you compare this to not brushing your teeth at all, this would be a better option. I wonder about the comfort too. And, wouldn't the tongue to teeth toothbrush be a time-killer so one has time to shave?

You can tongue more here.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Comfy Airport Seats

It's often said that one grows old gracefully with time, like wine. The same cannot be said of airport seats. While one would grow old sitting on airport seats, especially if the flight get delayed repeatedly, one wouldn't emerge very gracefully when the boarding gate opens.

Kwon Jin-Seok aims to change that.

These are just a few of the ways that the seats can allow meetings, chats, discussions, doodling and napping.

More info here.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jetliner Playground Slide

If you have a spare airplane or jetliner sitting around somewhere, you might consider attaching some slides, and turning it into a playground.

tupolev slide

This is what happened to one jetliner in the Ukraine. I honestly think it is a terrific idea, though I wonder why only one slide and ladder going up? One should maximise the whole plane. Clear boxes could be built on the wings, and maybe another slide or two towards the front of the plane. I mean, use the whole plane would be more entertaining no?

One thing for sure, I know I won't find this kind of playgrounds in my country. No land, to begin with. I wonder what's the COE for an airplane. 

You can find out more info here.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Claw Machine comes to life

You know those Claw Machines that are all the rage in arcades? You operate a claw and through sheer determination, skill and lots of coins/cash, you maneuver the claw to grab a plush toy that you like and drop it into the exit bin/hole/collection area.

Some seafood places have jumped on the wagon and used that, but to catch your own seafood.

Lobster Claw Machine

I'm pretty sure entertainment value for the customers will be at a high, and it certainly beats any risk of the chef cheating you since you get to choose which lobster you want to eat. I wonder if lobsters have a fear of heights.

Who knows, maybe next time, there'll be a scoop instead of a claw, and you catch your own prawns instead? Or reel in your own fish?

What say you?

More info here.


In a recent conversation with me and The Girlfriend, the topic of contentment came up.

We pondered upon how struggling to live day to day resulted in discontentment. How could we give to others and be selfless, when we could not ensure our own survival?

Contentment is rather subjective in definition. In a general sense, it could be argued that one is content when one is happy in life. But happiness, as we all know, is subjective. To a baby, having milk and sleep is contentment. To a child, toys or love would be contentment.

Yet, it gets more complicated as we grow up. A teen might be content with the latest tablet and smartphone, and a stable posse of friends. Yet, without love from family, he or she might not reach the state of contentment.

Same for adults. We might have a stable job, a loving spouse, but we might still feel discontentment. Are we setting our standards too high? Do we need 5Cs to be content? Is contentment attainable in this current era?

Bombardment of ads of products which promise to make you contented in life, feel completed in life, brings upon satisfaction, or fulfillment which you need. Nitty-gritty details that are integral of the life of an adult like bills and loans and debts don't add on much to contentment.

Do I feel content?

At this point in time, I do.

Sure, I have bills to pay, debts to clear, financial woes. But, I also have a loving girlfriend, loving my work, and able to enjoy simplicities of life.

The generation that is growing up will link wealth with contentment, and this is but no fault of theirs. In time to come, contentment might be achieved when one hits level 100 in Candy Crush.

I grew up being blessed, and with little material possessions. I've always had Him who had my back, and I won't stop believing so. To me, feeling content is being able to count my blessings, and to spread around human goodness.

I'm content with my life. Problems that come my way like financial insecurities or the unknown future, I do what I've always done. I entrust it to God.

Are you content? What's preventing you from being content?

X-Ray Envelope Spray

Sometimes, quirky products get created. Like a spray to see the contents of an envelope without physically damaging it. I can only imagine detectives and those who need to operate below the radar being very excited about this. Now if only one could come up with a letter that is an envelope, that would be more interesting, taking into account the tons of paper wasted, and the sheer number of envelopes we throw away.

It is aptly named X-Ray Envelope Spray, and is rather self-explanatory. It is a bit like spraying an envelope with water, but not getting it wet.

XRay Envelope Spray

If you are really keen on this kind of PI stuff, you can get a can at $15 USD here.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Be Gone, Taste of Bitterness

Sometimes, our senses work hard to go against us. Like when you need to swallow that medicine pill, but the bitter taste is revolting. Or the nasty cough syrup. Let's face it. The main purpose of medicine isn't to taste good, it's to make us better.

What if one could simply cover the tongue, and skip the whole taste process?

tongue cover

Aptly named the Tongue Cover, it's made of latex and is simply slotted over the tongue. Truth be told, it's just an oral version of the condom.

Honestly, I think it's innovative. Practicality and potential finance-wise, I will just sit on the fence and watch how this will turn out.

If you are unlike me, and are keen to finance its production, head over here.