What if it was thermo-sensitive? This meant you could put your thumb print on it, or use heat to craft your name etc.

Cool eh! Unfortunately, you have to pay quite a fair bit for them. $985 for a thousand cards.
More info here.
In a recent conversation with me and The Girlfriend, the topic of contentment came up.
We pondered upon how struggling to live day to day resulted in discontentment. How could we give to others and be selfless, when we could not ensure our own survival?
Contentment is rather subjective in definition. In a general sense, it could be argued that one is content when one is happy in life. But happiness, as we all know, is subjective. To a baby, having milk and sleep is contentment. To a child, toys or love would be contentment.
Yet, it gets more complicated as we grow up. A teen might be content with the latest tablet and smartphone, and a stable posse of friends. Yet, without love from family, he or she might not reach the state of contentment.
Same for adults. We might have a stable job, a loving spouse, but we might still feel discontentment. Are we setting our standards too high? Do we need 5Cs to be content? Is contentment attainable in this current era?
Bombardment of ads of products which promise to make you contented in life, feel completed in life, brings upon satisfaction, or fulfillment which you need. Nitty-gritty details that are integral of the life of an adult like bills and loans and debts don't add on much to contentment.
Do I feel content?
At this point in time, I do.
Sure, I have bills to pay, debts to clear, financial woes. But, I also have a loving girlfriend, loving my work, and able to enjoy simplicities of life.
The generation that is growing up will link wealth with contentment, and this is but no fault of theirs. In time to come, contentment might be achieved when one hits level 100 in Candy Crush.
I grew up being blessed, and with little material possessions. I've always had Him who had my back, and I won't stop believing so. To me, feeling content is being able to count my blessings, and to spread around human goodness.
I'm content with my life. Problems that come my way like financial insecurities or the unknown future, I do what I've always done. I entrust it to God.
Are you content? What's preventing you from being content?