Friday, January 12, 2007

sheesh. maturity.

Doing audio interviews for a radio individual assignment can be rather interesting at times.
On Wed, I went to interview the furniture shop opposite my school and it went remarkably well. The owner was in the premises, and speaks english, which made the recording a much smoother process. [Bet you've never heard me speak chinese on record]
In fact, we talk a little bit too much. I dare say while people think the challenge is getting people to open up, I feel that it's how you end the conversation that maketh the challenge. You've got to exit with grace and audio-wise, that's very hard to do.
We talked from my topic to the Integrated Resort to the media industry in Singapore to the economy to foreign talent.
I have to admit, he was friendly and definitely matured as compared to the person I couldn't interview on Thurs. Due to a lack of time on Wed, I went to seek other shops on Thurs. Went to the electronic shop opposite school, and, sheesh, she's twice (or maybe more) my age and probably has the maturity of someone half my age!
I asked if I could interview her about [insert topic here], and she scrunched up her face, and turned around and 'huh...', in the qian-da tone.
Hey, if you don't want to let me interview you, just say you don't want. Simple. No need to give that kind of tone and have such a reaction what. Unless she was trying to flirt with me la. Which would be a different scenario altogether since girls don't flirt like that?! Unless well, perhaps for her generation. sheesh. the unique shop owners u meet. and they say the young should learn from the older generation. Thanks but no way.
And! I went to Tampines St 23 and St 11 to do some more interviews. This old man was rather demanding, saying he'll allow me to interview him if I buy something from his store. and he sells furniture. What am i supposed to do man? Buy a bed so I can get a minute of interview? Siao Tar Po!
I know we should invest wisely in our education but surely buying a bed would be too much and too worthless an investment.
Well. That's that. Going to do my final installment of interviews tomorrow. Hope it doesn't rain, cause I seriously doubt anybody busily putting stuff in his car in the rain would allow some kiddo to ask him questions. Oh well, would be interesting me thinks. tata lovelies.