Sunday, July 15, 2007

Random Rumblings

thee that has captured me once more.
What is thy name?

That ye dwelleth in touch, reassuring and sensual
that ye groweth on smells and sight,
oh the sight of a loved one.
How fast the heart beats,
How the bodies race to meet.

True love's first kiss.

Two hearts entwined and wrapped around each other.
Yet the obstacles they face.
But together they can overcome.
Yet, only if it's together.
If they're together.

To love as if there's no tomorrow
To hug your burdens away
As our lips meet and we partake of each other
As we dream dreams and share visions

Cause you took my heart away

A mere reach for the hand
But laden with meaningful feelings
A plant that sprouted
And grew
and grew
and borne fruits
and flowers
that held many colorful petals.

Some might say
we don't fit together
Some might say
we would never work

You that believeth in me
Do you know I believe in you too?

Let me be your sunshine after the rain
The comforting hand after the pain

It'll be our secret
Sunshine and Sweetheart.