Friday, June 12, 2009

er ner gee.

My stomach still gently grimaces
at the taste of a cocktail
then a mocktail
then half an hour rest before
two cans of milo.

At least it didn't erupt.
That which I'm grateful.
Though now it sets me thinking.

Can cows compartmentalize their stomachs
for maximum efficiency?
Like, decide which foods or drinks go to which
And if it could be done, is it by classification
or by a first come first served basis?

Perhaps Cows could drink a lot then.
A stomach for beer, another for wine.
One for carbonated drinks, another for others.

Or perhaps the different types of grass go to
a specific stomach.
Wheat grass, tall grass, short grass, long grass.

Don't limit your mind to facts.
But let it unleash on its unbounding
un un un
un neh na neh na neh na
eh eh eh.
eh ner gee.