Wednesday, January 11, 2006



A touring christian concert/marching band in rural villages. impossible? far-fetched reality?

I had a dream. some years ago. whether it was one i had while asleep or it was a vision i know not. But the contents of my dream i remember very clearly. it came to prick me inside my mind again last night.

a band. like a concert band but we no sit on chairs. we walk through villages, preaching the gospel. passion for Christ. passion for music. passion for life. yet we do more than this. those that are medically trained, they provide medical assistance. the doctors or nurses treat the sick. engineers help with dams and wells. builders help with houses and schools. teachers but of course teach. this is my dream.

but will it come true?? nobody knows. only God and time. if time permits. if time permits.

if we stick thru with our aspirations and make them real, my dream might become reality. my friends who wish to be a doctor or a nurse or a gynae or simply a gift from above, stick with it to the best of your ability and fret not if you do not reach it. For though you may not achieve your dream, your goal, your vision, what you become may fit in into another's dream. but you wont know it. till that person tells you.

my dream hangs on a thin rope called time. cause i have that urge, that spiritual impression that time is short. when it comes, it comes. i can sit here making plans but if time wishes not to let it unfold, it will never unfold. plans made here are of no use above.

i plan. ten years down to start the band. to keep in contact with my friends. be with them as they achieve their aspirations that fit in with my dream. and worry not if it doesnt. a touring band. in rural villages. to spread the love of god. to use the gifts of musicality we have been given and have garnered over the years. to spread joy. to spread peace. i plan.
i plan. we will all have our own full-time jobs. to fund this band. the missions. gazillions. then a month's leave we will all take. with a leap of faith. we shall go.

imagine. villages. little kids looking at you with eager expectation. the mother that rejoice when her child has recovered from the medicine you provided. the father, tears of relief evident, when his child is saved from the clutches of death. words to action. passive to active. the power of the Holy Ghost.

This is my dream. Come dream with me.