Wednesday, January 25, 2006

well today was quite ok

haha today was fun. lol. happy la. i donno why but there are times when after a visit to shwo i feel happy. could be the atmosphere or the friendly people there i aint sure.. but.. if shwo opens their own shop i'll be their most regular customer.. or.. it could just be that i went with a friend.. one who was close to me.. was close is not close might be close.. somehow.. you know being together with a friend that you, for a certain period of time, were very close with, that camaraderie, the times u spent with that friend.. the walks, the talks, that friend who was your muse who inspired you to pen out a couple of poems and who helped develop your creativity through the works you've done for that friend.. that friend who's of a different gender but who's also a perfect example of how two people of different genders can be very very close friends and not let feelings break it up. that friend. who i have befriended again. Thank God for her.
yet time has passed. we have changed. the friendship remains but will it escalate or plummet all the way down? only time.. that which does not change.. and God who is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.. will know. may His blessings fall on you.