Saturday, October 10, 2009

21 years of life...

21 years is to some a milestone.
Perhaps it is.
21 years of remembrances.

I've watched SBC to TCS to MediaCorp.
I remember watching cartoons on weekend mornings.
Animaniacs, and power rangers, amongst sesame street.

I've progressed from using fare cards to ez link cards.
Gone were the days I had to slot in the card and press the amount to be deducted.
Or to queue up and buy a monthly concession sticker to paste onto my student id and flash it at the bus driver every time I board.

I've lived through the rise and fall of Hello Kitty, Bubble Tea, Digimon, Pokemon... and probably more to come?

I remember playing
five stones
zero point
sepak takaw (how to spell?!)

I remember
come chinese new year, I would make
love letters with my mum at the common area
of a house I once used to live in.
We would delicately curl it into a roll
and make it crispy.

I remember asking my mum once
why she married my dad.
Security she said.
And that's the crux of any

I remember us chatting at 4am,
your sweet voice helping me to
start the day right.
Then it fell apart.
My heart cried.

Am I holding on to you
as my ex did?

I remember doing more good deeds
in a span of four to six years
than in the past year.

I remember You.
Thanks for the remembrances.