Thursday, October 29, 2009

who that man is.

He sits by the window, pondering what to write;
Wondering which thoughts to pen.

He glances out the window and sees trees
Green and fresh, brimming with life,
Birds chirping and flying to and fro,
and the cat lazily sprawled across the floor.

He sees the construction workers
taking their lunch break
resting, eating, talking
before going back to work
to put the bread and butter
on the table for their family
back home.

He watches the maid following the student
Carrying his school bag, and following.
Not leading. Not beside.
As he leaps and runs at the front.

Is it a child totally dependent on
his family's helper
for his physical needs
or simply one unaware
of his surroundings
and simply enjoying
his life at the moment
smelling the roses by the
side of the road?

Then a fly buzzes in
to his world.
and his phone vibrates
with a new message incoming
a question to be answered
a friend to be comforted
or accompanied
or simply to be replied
because thats what friends
do to their friends
dont they?

And he gets plucked back
to reality
and he looks at the
man in the mirror
and wonder who that man is.