Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bluetooth Watch - Cookoo

Don't be misled. This bluetooth watch doesn't allow you to cook. What it does, is to inform you when something happens on your phone such as an incoming text message, an incoming call, or your phone battery is low.

Currently, the list of features this watch can do makes it a very very suitable companion for your smartphone. It can notify you of incoming and missed calls, text messages, emails, facebook chats and messages, twitter updates, and anything else to your imagination like using it as a remote control for your phone's camera.

Of course, as we all know, bluetooth does sap quite a bit of your phone battery life, so this watch is probably useful for those who need to leave their phones on silent mode at work.

The watches are currently in production, but if you want to fund a minimum of $80 USD, you will be guaranteed one when it is out. For more info, check here.