Saturday, February 21, 2009


He raises the pen over the paper, poised and ready to strike.
The eagle swoops down upon the helpless prey.
Swift. Decisive.

One, two, three four
He steps onto the dance floor
Swirls and twirls
Step forward and then back
Attraction and repel.
Obedience and rebel.

He closes his eyes and the world turns black. Darkness.
Then words of light spin round and round.
A word here, a phrase there.
A note here, a song there.
A color here, a memory there.

A patty here, a burger there.
And who knows what tomorrow would bring.

Rank. Does it mean a lot? Can it denote experience?
Or mental intelligence?
Volume. Can it denote power or strength?
Or highlight the amount of passion?
For which there is no standard measurement.

Is deviance genetic or a mishap of the child learning program?
Yet there is truth in that
A deviant calling another deviance and both living in a deviant world.
