Woahz! My timetable is out! And it ain't that bad. Not that packed. at all. Let me put it all here.. in case next time i forget to bring my timetable, i can refer to my blog.
Mondays -> 9 - 11am (Basic Media Research Tutorial/Evelyn lau)
-> 12 - 4pm (Audio Pro Lab/Felicia Nah [my favourite])
-> 5 - 6pm (Audio Pro Lec/Ethan Guo [another favourite])
Tuesdays -> 9 - 11am (Basic Media Research Lec/Ah Chuah)
-> 12 - 2pm (PsySocio Lec/Ah Chuah)
Wednesdays -> 11 - 12am (MultiCam Lec/pohyoke [who's he/she?])
Thursdays -> 10 - 12pm (PsySocio Tutorial/Ah Chuah)
-> 1 - 2pm (APEL2 Tutorial/Clifford Yap [Yuck!])
-> 4 - 6pm (LCJA {Jap} Tutorial/Kaori)
-> 5 - 6pm (LCJA {Jap} Lecture/Kaori)
Friday -> 12 - 1pm (Basic Entrepreneurship Tutorial/ Evelyn Lau)
-> 2 - 6pm (MultiCam Tutorial/ pohyoke [who's he/she??])
And there you have it. A nice neat timetable that fits quite nicely with my schedule. I have Tp band pract on Mon & Fri and my lessons ends just nice on these days to give me time for dinner and not too much free time that I'll be bored. My Tuesdays and Wednesdays are light which grant me the opportunity to go back to SHWO every now and then. And my first week will be even neater since I dont have to go for tutorials. Now I just wonder who's in my class. sigh. And I have to see ah chuah for four hours every Tuesday. double sigh.