I look into the mirror
And see a beast
But is that me?
Its face staring back at me
Dark and vile
Pungent air all around
Lust and greed, contempt and hate
Scores of boils upon its flesh
Fear strikes hearts as its teeth it gnash
Suddenly my flaws I see
Oh Lord, help me change to be what you want me to be
Let me have a heart of compassion
Good traits and deeds done with passion
Not to hate and not to lust
But Sincere honesty is a must
To love and share
To trust, to care
May my good deeds precede me
May my bads be behind me
And rebuked harshly
And never to return
To tempt, or take
To misguide or fake
I've nothing to offer you I realise
Not like he that could offer endless mysteries
countless stories told through music
Or he that offers warmth and care
Concern as a friend and more
I've nothing to offer you
Except love, and that it may renew endlessly
A shoulder for you to rest
and a sleeve, to wipe your tears
and may it never be needed nor used
Perhaps the most or the least
I could offer you
is trust.
Who is the face I see
Staring back at me
When I take a peek
Into the glass
glass of reflection
A mirror.