Saturday, May 11, 2013


Family need not be someone connected to you by blood or race or religion or ethnicity or relation.

Family can be someone with whom you feel a sense of belonging, like a colleague.

Today, a colleague of mine became tomorrow's ex-colleague.
Today, I sobbed in the arms of my girlfriend.

Some may think crying be a sign of weakness. Some may think crying dramatic. But I understood what he felt cause I've been terminated before. The shock, and loss, coupled with immediate regret and an earnest desire to turn back time and un-right the wrong. But, time does not allow us to do that. If Father Time could turn back as frequent as our requests, we will never learn from our mistakes. We will never get stronger.

When I was terminated from a previous job, I sobbed in private. I put on a brave front, even as I faced disappointment on my team mates. Even in front of my then-girlfriend whom was none the wiser as to how I truly felt.

I confess I don't really like his character. I mean, he had told me I should play around for experience' sake. But not liking his character, does not mean I neglect his good points. He never failed to help, to assist when requested to. I may disapprove of his tendency to do everything at the last minute, but that doesn't mean I dismiss him off as a failure. In my eyes, he will always been deemed as a success. And an even greater success, once he perseveres through this ordeal.