And, in the midst of the crowd, he stands there. Alone. Yet not alone, for he is but in the midst of a crowd.
Pushing against him, and to his sides, the crowd moves along their way, rushing to their next destination, and he walks at his own pace. Yet he does not walk because the crowd is pushing against him.
The world goes by and he watches while sipping his coffee at the cafe. And time stands still. Yet, time does not stand still because the world goes by.
Jostling and shoving, the crowd packs around him into the bus, and he is in contemplation and remains at peace and at ease. Yet, he is not at ease because the crowd is jostling and shoving.
How do you know what is isn't and what isn't is. Could it be that the only way to know what isn't is to know what is or to know what is is to first know what isn't?