Thursday, October 16, 2008

What? Has it been one month already

Sometimes people get so caught up in their race to be leaders or that of a leadership position
that they fail to realize that nobody follows
and what good is a leader if there's no follower?

What? Has it been a month already, since I went to Tekong. How time flies.

It was tough at first, muscle aches plentiful. Then it started to heal and it didn't get that bad. My section mates are alright. Okay, just a little explanation.

26 Letters in the alphabet.
Each letter stands for a company, like A for Apache, and B for Bronco, and blah blah blah.
I'm in K for Kestrel. [All bird names one la]
Each company has its own five-storey building.
One company equals four platoons.
One platoon on each floor.
Each platoon equals four sections.
Each section one room, averaging twelve men.
My section has ten men. Perfect Ten we call ourselves.
Though those who are perfect wouldn't call themselves perfect.
Im Bed Two, which is situated right below the fan.
And no, if the fan drops I won't get hurt, because the fan would spiral away due to momentum instead of falling down straight. Unless it isn't on when it drops but why are we talking about this.

Each day is rather simple. Wake u at 0530 hours, doing exercises, go for breakfast, go for first parade, then go for lessons or physical trainings depending on the programme, usually two lessons, each lesson two hours, then lunch, then 1330 starts the next lesson and another till dinner at 1730. Followed either by another lesson at 1900 or last parade at non-fixed timing and then admin/free/personal time for us to wash clothes, bathe, call girlfriend/wife/mother/boyfriend/dog, sit around, talk cock, buy drinks from the vending machine, do own physical training.

There, its actually quite routine la each day. Which in a way is rather boring, since its always the same thing each day but then again years are made up of months which are made up of days.

All in all, I'm surviving. Satisfying my need for female social company on weekends, and living with males during weekdays. It's rather hot over there, and perspiration is like my best friend. Not. I perspire a lot. But I drink a lot too, and sometimes the singlet can get so wet I can take it off and squeeze it and a steady trickle of sweat drips out. Weight still more or less around there la. It goes up during the weekends and lowers during the weekdays, kinda like a stock market. I've gotten more tan, with the sun and all. That said, the sun is good for quick clothes drying, don't need Dryer le. And, washing clothes has become part of the daily routine.

Only drawback is sometimes we receive Today newspaper tomorrow, so news can be a bit laggy at times, but no news is good news right? Bullshit. Well, at least the economy downturn doesn't affect us. For now.

Food is uh salty. And accompanied by sweet drinks. But it doesn't really matter because half of the salt from the food is sweated out during the march back to company line. Nobody really walks in Tekong. It's marching or running or jogging.
Stamina has improved a little, though my chin ups suck. If only they would round up halfs to ones. That would be good.

Abrasions and bruises I have numerous, but other than that, I've been well. My bunk mates aren't that fortunate though. Most of them are down with cough, so there's like around fifteen minutes after lights out where I have yet to fall asleep, and I am able to attend the nightly performance of the Cough Symphony.

And if you think people can't communicate messages through coughs, you are so wrong. Sometimes I think they are speaking to each other in coughs. Like the deep raspy kind and the quick and sudden coughs and then there's the slow and loud ones. Kinda like morse code, but cough version. Course code bah.

And that's it. One month down. Two months more to go.

Future isn't easy to decide. But I wanna choose the one that can benefit others the most and make them live life cheerier. Oh, that ye would grant me wisdom.