Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Electronic Drum Set Shirt

So my electronic drum set shirt from Thinkgeek came. And like a little kiddo I opened it with much awe and expectation.

But then I had to cancel the fireworks and celebration. Cause the shirt wasn't really what I expected.

True that it is rare to find a shirt that has a drum set on it and when you hit it the sound of the various part of the drum would sound out. Yet, it was a so-so kindof a shirt.

It took me a few minutes to understand the instructions on dismantling the shirt for washing, cause I didn't wanna pull the battery pack too hard lest it breaks. And my heart as well.

The sound is loud, that's one of the good factor. Then again, I tried it at home and not in a public place like Orchard Road so... a mic would probably be needed to amplify the sound in a crowded place.

The drums aren't really that sensitive. At first, I laid the shirt on my bed and started tapping the various parts, like how L taps his keyboard in Death Note. The sound screwed up. One tap could result from zero to two beats.

So I thought, maybe it needs to be like on a body kinda thing, so I wore it, and then another flaw came up. The battery pack is super easy to fall out, simply because its pocket isn't big enough.

It felt quite alright, not too uncomfortable, then I started whacking. It feels weird to beat your own chest, you know. Like King Kong or The Hulk. But the sound didn't really change much. I thought I got the hang of it, and then I tapped once and no sound came out, so I'm still trying to find the pressure points to know where to tap, but it seems to be a little weird.

Overall, the shirt didn't live up to my expectations. Maybe there will be version 2 coming out. But I doubt so. Or another company might create one that is more user-friendly. Yet, it's still a comfortable shirt. And for only US29.99.

What more can I ask?