Anyway, I attached a few screenshots of it. First glance it looks cool. But it's not very customizable. Sure, the standard stuff is there, like font type and size and color and privacy settings and notification settings.
But if this is going to be the final version then I don't really like it. For starters, there are only four statuses that you can choose from. Available, busy, away and appear offline. And each status has a predetermined color. So all contacts who are online will be green. Red for busy, orange for away and grey for available offline.
A new feature is that you can tell either your or your contacts status by the color of the border around the display picture. Refer to the screenshot if you don't understand. But I think the border is a tad too big.
And no chat tabbing. Which isn't very good if you're gonna chat with 5 or more contacts, because it would mean more windows, and lesser space on the taskbar.
A strange feature is this notifications thingy. It's like a small box above the ads on the main messenger window, that lets you know the latest contact updates, like changes of display pictures or nicks.
Another feature, that is useful, in my opinion, is the PSM is no longer your current song played. This means, you can display your nick, psm and your currently playing song.
Font for the group names have changed too. I hope that can be customized.
And, instead of right clicking on your contact to select an action like open a chat convo or send a file or block, you can just let your mouse hover on it for a split second, and a list of available options will pop out.
Msn icon in the task bar also changes.
You can get it from if you wanna play around with it. Me? I'm sticking to this, but I hope mess patch or a compatible plus live will be out for me to customize my rather ugly wlm.