Monday, December 08, 2008

young mothers.

Surfed to that blog from a stomp article. Rather interesting read though since it has links to young mothers. And by young, I mean my age or younger. Some are married, others engaged. Some shotgun, others not. But young nevertheless.

And how do you react?

My first reaction was apprehension. And then my mind started to guess other's reactions. Some would be that the youths are careless about such stuff and explorative about sex etc etc. Others would encourage the mother for not abortion. Others might applaud the father for not running away when he knew his then-gf was pregnant. Others might use the opportunity to promote safe sex. And the list could go on and on, to each his opinion, and yet as a group most are of the same nature. Some might even say this is why divorce rates are so high.

I guess those that complain our low birth rates would be silenced by the posts. and then complain about other stuff like their age yada yada.

But who cares? Personally I applaud them. Responsibilities, determination, and love.

Age-wise, are they really that young? Weren't people matchmake-d around that age a few decades ago? At least now they can choose who to be married to, unlike lat time right?

I wish these couples all the best, and no, I'm not saying whether I encourage or frown upon. But I know if any of my close friends get pregnant, I wanna be the godfather =X

Never say which close friend though.