While on the train home, I saw a familiar face, whom upon some mental searching, turned out to be my Sec 1 crush. There we stood, both at different doors, ten feet apart. And we smiled.
You know, I guess I'll never cease to be amazed at what time does to a person. The last time I saw her would be 2 years ago, and now she looks so matured. She looks like an office worker in her early twenties. Not that I'm saying she's old or anything, but I kinda started to wonder, what about me. After all, the other ushers and CSOs don't believe I'm 19, and most demand to see my I.C.
And, her complexion is super good can! It's like flawless! Oh well, she definitely has a lot of Vitamin D, since she's in vb for like 6 years?!
Well, one thing she's definitely good at would be smiling. Of course, a set of straight teeth would help too.
Alas, the past can never be forgotten, only remembered, rekindled and refreshed time to time.
I think I'll not never drive to work, but rather, take the public transport. It's the only way to meet history in the face.
A smile. And it said volumes. Or have I read too much?