She chats as a normal friend does, but don't think lowly of her. She may be young but she remembers words said and words unsaid, and knows how to ask about it. She's decisive, and forceful, but as an older sibling, one does need to guide the younger ones. Yet, she does this with confidence, and she holds steadfast to her beliefs. She may be young, but don't be misled that the young are immature or foolish. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and may be misunderstood to be insensitive and crude.
People might find her quiet, but she has moments of insanity and yet is sane through these times. She doesn't notice much, and stuff may simply pass her by, but time does not. She slogs through each day, and is a hard worker, though she never has enough time for rest. She holds no grudges, though whether she forgets the grudges are another matter altogether. Her eyes do not reveal the numerous thoughts her mind has examined, pondered upon and processed.
But deep inside, there's a longing to be understood, and accepted for who she is. The yearning arises deep within her for someone who can see her for who she truly is. But, in order for that to happen, she has to be willing to open up herself. Will she take the risk?
What would life be, seen through their eyes? A big world of potential, with life everywhere, or that of doom?