Saturday, August 02, 2008

'Cause life.

To stand in a corner, and observe those that walk on by.
Some walk forcefully. They seem to know the paths set aside for them. Till a pothole appears and they get a bit shaken, and pause and ponder. Some of these some continue trudging on, not giving up. Others pause, sit down and cry.

'Cause life is a wonderful journey, it extends to all directions, and each of us chooses our own path.
'Cause life is but full of adventure and ironies that in retrospect, one can sit back and laugh.

To climb a mountain and gaze down above, and observe those who soar like a dove.
Some fly fearfully, staying low in case they fall. Others fly way up high, if they fall, they know they'll land among the clouds. And others. They fall and walk on by.

'Cause life is like a bed of roses, you aim for the petals and if you fall, you'll land among the thorns.
'Cause life is like an antelope. Some see its eyes, and others focus on its horns.

Some think life is the sea. Eat the prey for it's a fish eat fish world. If you're smaller, you're game. If you're bigger, I ain't going to fight you. Yet. And, they surge forward, with few or little friends. No one to fall back on. And when they do, there's only water.

'Cause life is like the big ocean, full of game, full of opportunity.
'Cause life will never be the same, each stream has a different possibility.

And it doesn't matter rain or shine, day or night, we will all need a friend.
A shoulder to rely on, a source of strength, someone whom can heal and mend.

If I pull you up, will you trust me?
If I lift you up, can I be your friend?
If not me, then who?
If not now, then when?