Thursday, August 14, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about my eulogy. Maybe I shall compose and post it before I enlist. In case anything happens, people know what to say at my funeral. haha, I sound so pessimistic. But sometimes it's good to think about your eulogy.

[Just in case you're wondering, it ain't euuu-logy. It can be found in the dictionary, and it's a piece of commendation or praise that is said about you at your funeral, like a testimonial except you can't use it to get a job.]

Sometimes it's good to think about what your eulogy should be. Not that you can force someone to say it at your funeral if it ain't true. After all, it reveals the aim of your life. Let's say in your eulogy, you want it said that you're slow to anger and quick to encourage. You cannot continue being hot tempered and prone to anger, if you get my drift.

Reminds me of the joke I heard. A very very very bad man died, and his brother gave the priest a hundred bucks to say that he was an angel during the eulogy. Now the priest couldn't say no, but to say the guy was an angel was a lie, since he was a bad man. So, the priest started the eulogy and listed every sin the guy did, from adultery to murder to rape to theft. And ended with "But to his brother, he was an angel."