Sunday, September 07, 2008


I watched an art performance today. Abstract and deep it was. It had female nudity. And by deep, I'm not talking about the depth of the orifice.

But in life there are many blurred lines. And nudity and art is one of them. When does nudity become art, and vice versa?

Yet art is subjective, and meat to a man is poison to another, and this is so perfect for such an art case study. There isn't a definitive guidebook on boundaries to border nudity and art.

Generally, most of what that borders such is society. While we may not bat an eyelid at artistic performances that contain full or partial nudity, we would most definitely frown and lock in chains those which view pornography as art. Distasteful we exclaim, chuck them in chains and stash them away in dungeons.

But if we were to critique nudity as art and declare it a no-no, are we doing it out of fear that patrons would try to follow and imitate this style of art without knowing its true definition, or are we ashamed of our own nudity, or do we regard it as bold, and something out of the social circle which most of us do not step out from?

Then again if we were to support the notion that nudity can be considered art, would more artistes jump aboard the bandwagon and feature nudity simply so it can be considered as art, or simply to draw the crowd?

Narrow yet so wide.
Full of probabilities, and countless possibilities.