It's a shame sometimes that we tend to overlook passion and fire and classify potential by criteria and thus judge people.
I had brought up an idea with a particular friend and while the idea was shot down, in a way it wasn't her fault since there were SOPs to follow. But sometimes we need faith in others as well. Cause I saw the dude singing his heart out, and she didn't. And true passion is hard to find.
And so a child is so much purer in ways more than any adult can achieve. A child does not judge by appearances. How many adults judge not by appearance? A child observes and looks through the eyes, and into the soul. The adult looks from the hairs of the head down to the soles of the feet, and misses the light in the eyes.
So what if we grow old and die. We would have lived for nothing, if our whole life was spend judging others. For the more we delight in judging others, the lower others will judge us.
Passion burns with fury that few people can comprehend. Some take advantage of this fury and unleash it to bring unto people as much goodwill as they can. Others use it for their own personal gain and rain down destruction on the lives around them. And others.
Others ponder upon this passion within them, question its existence, and then, sadly, let the passion ebb away. Unused. Untouched. Untarnished.
'Tis a sad state.