Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been thinking about parenting recently.
Not that I want to be a parent,
but what sort of parent I should be.

And so I've decided.
I would definitely want to cultivate a free speech policy at home
And where trust is there, and we can share what we want.
Though I am skeptical about this,
cause when they become teens,
they would definitely want their own space.
And it would be totally totally require a lot of self-control
not to pry into their lives and fuss over every single thing.

I think I would want one boy and one girl.

And maybe there'll be a no-holds meeting on a particular day every week.
Like can talk about anything, and I will promise not to hold anything back.
Whether it be 'Why I can't have a wii for christmas' 'Can i get more pocket money'.

I envision a family that's bonded by transparency.
They will know how much I earn
How much of it is allocated to them.
They will be responsible and we can all check each others' finances
without worry.

We might set ground rules,
like maybe each person's phone will be private.
Or each computer account will be private sorta thing.

I envision a rather free family though.
Where there ain't any sexual or intelligence biasness.
No comparison, but freedom to pursue one's own interests.
And I'll talk to them about sex.
In fact, me and my wife will.
To both of them.
A family where among the things we celebrate
would be coming-of-age too.
Celebrate my daughter's first period.
I wonder what a guy's coming-of-age requirement is.
I mean, I want it to be free and no holds barred.
Like maybe my daughter will go 'eh dad my period's here. Can help me buy some pads'
That sorta thing.
That their maturing bodies isn't a bad thing.
That it's alright to talk about such stuff.
Or 'hey dad my girlfriend coming over to stay, can a not?'
And I'll be like sure. Want to on the aircon not?
Instead of, 'uhm get your own pads la. how old liao!'
or 'oh. where's she from. how old. how long have you been together. leave the door open ah!'

And in case you're wondering, why a bit emphasis on periods,
it's a slight influence of the mensinmenstruaton link a couple of posts ago.

I would like that freedom in a family.

Fantasy or reality?