Sa-sa-said the spider to the fly
Together we'll be famous
Like the ca-ca-catcher in the rye.
This he uttered,
And that he stuttered.
Your web's so cluttered
The fly muttered.
Just head into my lair
And here you'll find all's fair
Your death will be your fare,
Come be my eclair.
Fu-fu-furious you will be
despite me tiny weeny
If i refuse to pay the fee
Of my delicious body.
So back and forth
Their sharp words flew
High and low and loud and soft
They parried till the spider slew.
With a click he thrusts
His eyes emblazoned with lust.
He saliviates
And does not deviate.
So, the fl-fl-fly was no more,
The spider cleaned up the gore,
The sun shone bright,
And the web trembled with delight.
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