Wow. Has it been a month already, since I've started work?
I remember the first day I started work and had my first taste of efficiency.
Where I work, time is of the essence, thus we are heavily advised to use shortforms any way we can.
Imagine my confusion when I read this: "dtls vrf. cust ackn o/s amt."
In a 'long-winded' manner, that meant: "details verified. Customer acknowledge outstanding amount. "
Now, those shortforms have somewhat been ingrained in me, that it scares me sometimes. Imagine if I were to submit an essay wrote entirely in shortform. I would probably ace the 'hitting the word limit' part and flunk the content, language and grammar part.
Yet it does give me a certain joy. Endorphins run through me at certain parts of the day. Now if only those endorphins can help me to lose weight.