Sunday, July 31, 2005

oh my..

ah drat! Now another classmate knows how J looks like. But, well, thankfully, she doesn't even know of J's importance in my life so, well, that's a good thing. :)
My love life is a terribly bore. and I'm voluntarily inflicting harm on myself. Not just cause I know my heart might be broken but because me and J is just like me and my, erm, ex. Only thing is the roles are reversed. the one giving the love and the one that wants it to be a friendship. I ain't sure what's with girls wanting to be my mother manz.. i mean.. my ex used to be my mum.. i've got a mum in my class now.. J has becomed my mum.. I suppose R, one of my seniors, could also be considered as my mum. Thank goodness I ain't got 7 if not it'll be a diff mum for a particular day. Mummy-fying!!!
Anyway.. Though it's hard but I really need to remove/kill/destroy/de-bug/delete/take out e feelings i have for J cause I know I can never be with her. We are like East meets West. And we can click well now cause we're on the East-West Line. (ok , that was lame.) Even if J does have slight feelings for me, it would never work out. long-term i mean. cause i know the feelings i have for her are only available for a limited period of time.
and what about T, do I hear you say? Well, I supposed it's long-term admiration. and respect. love?
soon my friend. soon. it. will. come.