Thursday, July 06, 2006

PC. Day 4

So it's day 4. My number of greetings and thank you-s are slowly increasing. Seriously, I am considering increasing the time frame of my 'experiment'. Maybe I'll change it from ten days to a month.

The only thing lacking right now, in my opinion, is greeting bus drivers. We tend to belittle the thought but it can actually be tough. You realise after awhile that bus drivers rarely, if not never, look at you in the eye when you're with them. Their eyes are either on the side mirror, their finger ready to press the button to close the doors, or their head angled to the left, their eyes glazing at some unknown area, their ears inclined towards the EZ-Link Card readers, listening attentively for the beeps and toots.

So, well, today I've said one greeting and thanked one person. And allowed someone to go first who thanked me. Ain't sure that falls under what category la.

I greeted the cleaner at my sch canteen when I went there for my morning ritual in the morning. Bleddy rain, make me so cold in the bus! Anyway, she greeted me back with a wide smile, showing me the number of teeth she has lost! Hee. Nevertheless, it's a smile.

Suck it. my number of messages was slight above 2000 for last month. [curses under one's breath] Well, I expected it to exceed but not that much! So sheeeeeet man. I've so gotta cut down. or my dad'll have my throat.