Tuesday, August 22, 2006

construct operational definition ecological isomorphism attrition regression pre test post test solomon four group sensitization maturation inter-subject diffusion independent variable temporal ordering epistemology non-spuriousness hypothesis likert summated rating scale semantic differential scale nominal mutually exclusive coding sheet population census sampling error probability sampling lottery without replacement convenience network volunteer stratified multi-stage cluster longitudinal study inverted funnel inferencial statistics bipolar adjectives standard deviance variance range t-test chi-square chi-test t-square unitizing

Sorry. Just had to get that out of my head. and where better than on blogger. In case ya wondering what those cheemological stuff are, they're what I'm supposed to know for my test on Fri. Bleah. the subject is crazy manz, seriously. oh well, back to reading words that are made of letters from the English alphabet but dont look like English words to me. tata.

Signing off with eyes going round and round and round and up and center and left and right and straight and round,

R 4 N D Y