Wednesday, August 02, 2006

i went shopping!

I went shopping!! For myself. lol.
Was quite bored after school today so I went shopping. Bought kimchi instant cup noodle and root beer in case of crisis. (you never know what might hit you) bought my face wash (changing from biore to gatsby) bought batteries (can you believe i'm still using a discman) bought my toiletries man. it's like pamper myself day. lol
anyway, i went compare prices between guardian and watson and ntuc and suddenly i kindof miss working in ntuc.
well, technically it's call fairprice and not much of ntuc cause ntuc is national trade union congress whereas fairprice is a supermarket and technically their price aint exactly fair but oh wells.
I miss the camaderie formed there. The intimate knowledge of a store that is frequented by people of all ages, shapes and sizes. I miss stocking goods and playing the how-many-boxes-can-you-squeeze-on-top game. Of course I dont miss the split milk cartons. the awful smell. bleah.
But i miss the spirit there you know. Though the pay is little and stuff but the staff working there are like spirited and cheerful and all. infectious enthusiasm.
memories will be memories.