Well, if going by the definition that a date is 'An engagement to go out socially with another person' [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/date], then I went on one yesterday. And it was rather satisfying. And by that, in no means sexual.
At first, I thought, hey what's new. I've been with girls like since sec sch and now in a course where males are the minority, surely some of my well-honed skills would prove useful in charming the girl. Gee. How very wrong I was.
So we agreed the time and place to meet. I waited and saw her looming in the distance.
Okay, that's an exaggeration. She's too small to loom in the horizon.
I saw her walking towards me and then suddenly, my mind blanked. Not because of I nervous or what k, but cause I've never really physically chatted with her before. Sure we messaged each other [a lot], and chatted on msn [frequently], but chatting in VR ain't the same as chatting IRL. For your info, VR is virtual reality and IRL is In Real Life.
Anyway, time for a commercial break. I'll be right back after you listen to the commercial. Click the play symbol. And feedback on its effectiveness using my tagboard.
Okay. Back. That advertisement was brought to you by yours truly and others. =D
Now as I was saying, I went on a date with a girl yesterday. She ain't your Jane Doe. She's rrrreally different. But the key here is the date and not her.
So there we were. she's walking towards me, I'm rooted to the ground, my mind thinking which approach should I use. Ask how was her day? Or compliment her? [sweet-talk, my love
Well, I ain't gonna say what method I used but I managed to coax a few words out of her. and several heart-warming smiles. But that's not quite the point.
Ya see, we went to Yoshi for dinner. And I bloody dropped my chopsticks. Now you may be thinking what's the big deal? It's just chopsticks, just pick it up and continue eating la. But! Bear in mind, it's me, my nerves are a little higher than usual, I'm trying to ooze calm and control and all, and now i'm tihnking "Oh crap!" I've kindof severed the whole tempo and all.
But of course, mentally cursing myself wont help much so I put it out of my mind and proceeded in making small talk. I wonder why they call it small talk. More of fast talk cause it always ends up in one-word answers. To think of it, I managed to extract a few complete sentences of more than ten words from her. Hee! =X So proud of myself.
Anyway where were we?
Oh yesh. So there's e chopstick incident. So dinner's over. The ice is nearly completely broken. So we go upstairs. And then, I realized I forgotten that Gelare isn't there no more. [Oh btw, there's a shop in that vicinity selling stick-on sandals. Don't ask me how they do it. But it appears to work though] And so I bring her down again and we go haagen daaz for ice cream.
And we lived happily ever after. oops. wrong fairy tale.
And from then, it wasn't that much of any problems or anything. In retrospect and self-critique, I'll give myself a 7 out of 10 for pulling her out of her icebox, and if it were to be judged in romance and related, I would give myself a 4. Honest.
So I've been thinking and maybe we guys need some educating in dates and stuff and I've come up with three Rs to help us. No, not the reduce reuse recycle kind of 3Rs but more of Research, Reflect and Refine.
Research on the eatery places and her favourite choices of food and what tickles her or not and ai yah. simply put, do your research before a date. Can le. Save face. lol.
Next comes reflect. Every date should be better than the previous one. and in order to achieve that, reflection is in order. No la, reflecting isn't just about standing in the mirror and then asking 'wo de tou fa luan bu luan'. It's of one-self, one's date-self, and previous dates.
Lastly, refine. Refine your ways, your methods, your thoughts, your pre-planned speech and every action to be done during the date. Refine.
Alright, there I leave you now. It was good. and remember your 3 Rs. Well, it would be 4 if you include the remember inside. Till next time, this is Randy, [hey, another R], tc and happy dating! :D