Wednesday, August 23, 2006


So here I am again, satisfied with my Kimchi Instant Noodles and my bottle of Root Beer, my third and final meal of the day.
Having a meal at this hour reminds me of a long time ago, when I was cramming form my Os. okay la, it was just two years ago, not that long. Yet, those were the days, lying down on my room floor, with my blanket for warmth, [burps] my discman for music companionship, and [burps] all my textbooks. Woot! my previous two burps were the same kind!! By kind, I mean the pitch, length and graph. Both started with a high pitch before dropping to a low pitch. [burps] oh shucks different gender of burp le. heh. [beams with pride] I've never burped so many times due to a Root Beer before. heh anyway, back [burps beautifully], oh man that felt so good, to what I was saying, I kinda have fond memories of studying for Os. I know I know, how can studying for Os be a fond memory? But it is. The time you spent with your boobs, sorry, books [i couldn't resist that, forgive me moi ladies], is worth it! For as long as they last. heex. There's always the small print. Well, off to bed now. [burps] hehe burpy dreams for me. tata