Two dozen.
Something used to measure eggs.
Now also the years I've breathed.
Who knows how many more will come?
It's a lie to say I'm constantly looking forward
Because I always carry my past with me.
At times, it tells me what not to do
To not repeat the same mistake.
As I look back in wonder,
And a tinge of sorrow and regret,
It strikes me
How shallow my impact is on others.
Save for the few old men who tell me
I look good
Or the lady in her late fifties
Who remarked that I look cute
And then walked away.
In secondary school, I would use my allowance,
And buy food to share and give to my friends and classmates.
Now, I use my pay and stock up my drawer
With biscuits and noodles for my colleagues.
In Upper Pri, I sang on stage with my crush.
In secondary school, I hum a tune to myself
And those who sit around me know it.
I still sing. Jolly fellow, I am.
Some mistake jolly and happiness
For shallow thinking.
Wisdom isn't about recognition,
But about understanding and
Consciousness of thought.
If the earth shall pass away now,
I am satisfied with my life.
I have loved and have been loved.
I have hurt and have been hurt.
I may not have seen the world,
Its luscious forests, or wide
Never-ending waters,
I may not have flown to the ends of the earth,
Nor ascended the mountains,
But I have stood amongst multitudes,
And know that I am but a grain of sand
Of the meandering shores.
It does not make me significant,
But signifys that I need to work harder.
To maximize my strengths.
To help others.
By lending a listening ear.
By listening and not hearing.
By supporting and not discouraging.
By uplifting and not demeaning.
Till love and joy bubbleth over,
And flows unceasingly.
Till He comeths.
To lead a life by example
And not empty words.
Empower Me.
And guide my path.
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