Sunday, August 07, 2005


hMm.. i just realised.. the 2 Js.. in my life.. have actually moulded my thinking.. and preferences..

see.. the first J once asked me a question which was what do i look for in a girl.. which set me thinking.. quite a bit..

cause looking back.. in my life.. every year my preferences changed.. from body looks.. to body shape.. to unique characteristics..

and.. well.. from J1.. i realized.. i'm looking for sensitivity.. not just being sensitive but sensitive to others too.. too often we hurt others by our words without knowing it..

and.. after observing J2 last night.. i realised.. i'm also looking for worship in a girl.. the heart of worship.. or rather someone with a passion for God.. and for living..

indeed.. talking about living.. J1 and J2.. are completely different in this matter. one cuts her wrists for fun.. and takes life rather.. harshly i would say.. and J2.. enjoys life, with a tinge of humour..