Thursday, August 11, 2005


life is all about growing up ain't it?

when we were babies, we cired to get our parents attention. regardless of whether we wanted milk or our diaper was wet or we simpy, wanted our parent to lift us up and lull us to sleep, we cried. wailed, bawled, shrieked, we did whatever we could do with our limited abilities to get attention.

when we were primary school students, we learned how to use the huge four-wheeled vehicle called the bus. We barged up buses, ignorant of the people around us. we conversed loudly with our friends at the other end of the buses. Before the bus moved from the bus bay, we have already pressed the bell. a split second later, we are already at the exit, preparing for the opening of the door to allow us to charge down the steps and wave, and shout "goodbye" loudly to the friends that we would meet online in half an hour. we refused to let go of our school bags, always carrying it high and heavy, parading it like an award or a medal. We dare not touch the hands of the opposite gender, flinching at the teachers' orders to "walk in twos and hold hands." we gawk at teenagers wishing that we would not be as old as them. we marvel at their hairstyles and their colours. we stare, without any inconspicuousness, at coupes holding hands or kissing. we yakked incessantly about the latest spiderman or superman cartoon episode. we scoff at people watching hi5 or Barney, calling them childish not knowing that we ourselves are still naive. Our words are clearly heard by people within a metre, or two, of us. the world is still a perfect place for us.

Then, we matured to secondary students. we learn the dangers of the world. the vulnerability. the evils. we learn the "art" of blushing and the reasons behind it. our raging hormones turn our heart upside down. they deceive us. we think we know love but have yet to find it. we learn the superficiality of looks. we learn the importance of character. we realize the fragility and mortality of life. we see death in its wicked form. we realize superman and spiderman do not exist and that superheroes are but a figment of our imagination. we see the intangibility of friendships and the side-effects of relationships. it is this stage of life that we, subconsciously, experience emotions of all shapes and sizes. fear, hunger, sadness, gladness, joy, peace, jealousy, anger, grief, love, lust, hatred, malice and so much more. we learn and see the need for self-control. we get curiosity. about sex. about love. about looking cool and being hip. we learn ways to destroy ourselves. cutting our wrists, contemplating suicide, standing at the edge of our windows, ready to jump. we learn how to curse and swear and behave like uncivilised people. like barbarians. we learn to fight. physically. emotionally. mentally. psychologically. spiritually. for the first time in life, we realize and acknowledge the existence of God in our lives. the world is a place that we can change.

And what about after this stage? only time would tell..