Monday, August 22, 2005

what did i see.

i went out today and what did i see?
people in their daily lives, totally oblivious to me
saw a girl aged eleven or twelve
wearing tinted glasses
then i went to school
and slept during classes
saw a boy, young and carefree
running to his mother, arms outstretched
buzzing like a bee
heard some news good and bad
about people happy and sad
messaged what might probably be sweet nothings
to my dear who really is something
into dance and music adorable she is
hyper and humourous, somebody i really miss

wonder which is worst
to say something and regret saying it
not to say something and regret not saying it

wonder which is better
to say something that you mean
to mean something that you say

oxymorons. technical difficulties. ambiguity. inequality.
peace and joy. understanding. comprehend through comprehension.
can understanding be garnered through understatements?
what about overstatements? overstanding?
food for thought.. amen..